Uploads by Electromaticboy

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
20:39, 19 April 2019 Fritzing schematic.png (file) 193 KB  
19:05, 19 April 2019 Full schematic.png (file) 97 KB  
19:04, 19 April 2019 AND gate.png (file) 9 KB  
19:03, 19 April 2019 Opamp as comparator.png (file) 10 KB  
19:00, 19 April 2019 LED soft start.png (file) 12 KB  
17:05, 19 April 2019 Corridor Light Internal.jpg (file) 807 KB  
16:55, 19 April 2019 Corridor Light Enclosure.jpg (file) 1.27 MB  
23:50, 26 June 2017 TransistorTester.jpg (file) 3.08 MB End result of the TransistorTester in a box with a faulty capacitor under test
23:46, 26 June 2017 ArduinoNano ISP.jpg (file) 56 KB fritzing schematic of an Arduino Nano used as ISP to program another Arduino Nano